I biked down around the Locks and Bellevue for a few hours after work today (got off early!). Migration is definitely picking up, and I had 13 warbler species for the ride, highlights being Bay-breasted, Mourning, Wilson's, and an Ovenbird out in the open! The Bay-breasted was my last SSM warbler for the year, I was worried when I missed it in the spring... Lots of baby birds around, warblers included...robins, waxwings, grosbeaks, and orioles were all pigging out on berries, while sparrows kept to the undergrowth. Absolutely nothing in the way of shorebird habitat, I might be done for them (on the Bigby at least). At Bellevue, picked up another Wilson's Warbler along with a Scarlet Tanager - first for the SSM year! So, two new birds for the SSM year and also the Bigby, which is now up to 160!