Despite severe weather warnings, I convinced my mom it would be a good idea to let me across the border for a few hours today in between storms, to look for a couple hawk owls that were reported yesterday. I managed to find one of the two, and got some decent pics when it landed on a telephone pole right next to me! This was only my second-ever Hawk Owl - first one was March 5, 2005. I also added Wild Turkey, Rough-legged Hawk, Evening Grosbeak, and Red-breasted Merganser to the year list - adding in the Red Crossbills I saw yesterday while skiing I'm at 41 for the year (33 sp. today). I think I'm going to put up a page on my site for my day lists - I use them for future reference and lost all my notes from 2005-2008 when the computer crashed - this way they are safe unless freewebs crashes!
On another note, that siskin from the other day is apparently a "green-morph" bird, which make up about 1% of the total siskin population, and are most frequent in the southwestern USA.
Sitting in the tree - first view of it

It flew down the road a ways, then back to the tree - I just stood on the road and watched

Then it flew from the tree to the pole I was standing beside!

I moved around the pole to get a profile view
Great shots of the Northern Hawk Owl and an awesome start to the new year.
it still floors me how swift they are in flight
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