I have done some birding lately, just haven't gotten around to posting anything. I biked down to Bellevue Park this morning to try and add some birds to my pitifully small Bigby list. Found 64 species, despite a late start (9:30), a lot of which were new for the Bigby, bringing me up to 109 for that. Also added 3 year birds (Black-throated Blue Warbler, Northern Parula, Cliff Swallow), bringing me to 156 for the year. Yesterday I led the Sault Naturalists walk at the Locks, finding 59 species, including a GREEN HERON (SSM bird #269) - a really rare bird for up here, and in town! Went to Bellevue afterwards with Ken and added some more species, bringing the morning list to 75. This bodes well for my big day next weekend! Last weekend I went to Whitefish Point, and added Piping Plover to the year list, another rare bird up here. Also had great looks at a Golden Eagle, and finished my regular hawks for the year with a Northern Goshawk. I'll post all the pics from these three outings later.
In the meantime, back to school work... I also got the new Birds of Peru - I'm hoping to be headed down there in December after exams for two weeks of amazing birding with a couple other youngish birders. If I end up going, I could easily see as many species as are on my ABA list right now - in only 14 days! Even if you aren't headed to the tropics, the book is great, and well worth the buy. It illustrates the 1800+ species found in Peru in full colour plates - this includes 230+ species of flycatcher and 130+ species of hummingbird! It'll take a while to memorize everything for sure.
Going Batty and More River Scenes
1 day ago