Scratch that post from the other day, thunderstorms are perfect weather for Bigbying! Well...ok maybe not, but it did provide me with my first Ring-necked Ducks for my yard list.
Yesterday I headed out east of town after school, to be greeted by water, and lots of it. Yes, the ice is still covering most of the lakes, but the fields in Bar River are almost all under 1-2 feet of water. Diving ducks were swimming out in the fields, definitely an odd sight for the Sault. The ducks overall are building in numbers, and I had my first Green-winged Teal, Wood Ducks, and Pied-billed Grebes for my SSM yearlist. The highlights were definitely the above mentioned year birds, plus over 250 Tundra Swans in the fields, huge numbers of both Hooded and Common Mergansers, and the Ross's Goose that I found the other day, hanging out with around 1500 Canada Geese and a few Cackling Geese.
I'll not post a list, as they get kind of repetitive (at least at this time of year) but I saw 52 species in the few hours I was out, my highest total for one day so far this year.
Implementing BirdNet Raspberry Pi
3 days ago
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