Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Quick Post

What have I been up to recently, you may ask, that has caused me to become lax in my postings? School, pretty much. I went birding/photographing, rather unsuccessfully, in Hamilton back in mid-January - haven't been out since then which is kind of unfortunate. School's been piling on ever since the semester started (speaking of which, I have 2 assignments tomorrow, 2 midterms Thursday, and a formal lab writeup due Friday - hooray...).

On another note, I've been getting in a few hours here and there working on my website, which will hopefully be fully up and running by the end of March (depending on my school schedule). I know, I know, I said it'd be up in January...oh well. I've also decided to try to take some more interesting shots this year and experiment with my camera when I have some free time, here are a few of the results:

Frozen Waterfalls at Hiawatha
Ice build-up at Gros Cap
More to be posted on my Facebook page (David Bell Photography) in the future.

On yet another, more interesting, note - I'm heading to Southern California and Arizona on Saturday for 9 bird-filled days of (hopefully) sun and warmth. You can expect a post sometime after my return in March, which will surely be filled with some great photos and a recap of the trip.

1 comment:

ljb said...

Awesome pics young man!