Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Quiz

First off, thanks to everyone who answered the previous quiz! Congrats to Brandon Holden for having the best score with 2/4 - I posted it to one of my facebook groups as well and they managed to get 3/4 after some discussion. I'm thinking the last photo may not have been identifiable as nobody managed to get it... So, the answers:

1. (hatch-year) Peregrine Falcon with 2 Herring Gulls (bonus points to Brandon for getting the location as well! WPBO).
2. Northern Mockingbird (actually just down the shoreline from WPBO).
3. Osprey - if you look reeeeallly closely you can see the white over the eye.

And here's the new quiz, taken somewhere in the ABA area. Good luck!

(Click for larger version)


Reuven Martin said...

Swainson's warbler

dwaynejava said...

Is it a Swainson's Warbler? I got 0.5/4 on the last quiz... I knew the first photo featured a falcon!

Anonymous said...

Really yellow/brown Swainson's Warbler?

Anonymous said...

Swainson's Warbler?


Mark Cranford said...

Lots of candidates, I'll go with Common Yellowthroat

Alvan Buckley said...

Another difficult one (thankfully I wasn't the only one to fail the last quiz :p )!

I can't think of any ground-dwellers that fit this bird. The best I could think of was Warbling Vireo. Next best option is Tennessee Warbler. But I'll stick with WAVI.