Friday, March 2, 2012

March Quiz

Here's the quiz for March! I will admit, I am not 100% confident of what it actually is (but I have a pretty good idea), so good luck!

On another note, spring would appear to have arrived (in Southern Ontario, at least) with reports of Killdeer, Woodcock, Sandhill Cranes, various waterfowl species and blackbirds in the last few days. I myself had my first Common Grackles of the year this morning as I walked to the bus stop! Unfortunately I am right in the middle of peak homework season so hopefully nothing too rare shows up in the next...2 weeks or so.


Brandon Holden said...

I will go with male (A. Black Duck X Mallard) X A. Black Duck

Blake A. Mann said...

Looks like a Mottled Duck.

Reuven Martin said...

Curly tail feathers mean a male with some mallard in it.
Maybe a backcross with 3/4 black duck and 1/4 mallard.

Blake A. Mann said...

Obviously a bit of male Mallard involved, but still looks like part Mottled!